Annandale Homestead

Annandale Homestead


Annandale Homestead was built by the Hay brothers as a Hotel in 1884 on Banks Peninsula and accessed only by sea. A large garden was formed around the house during the 1920s. In 1990 the homestead was registered by the Historic Places Trust as a Category 2 Historic Place.

Pattersons spent two years as lead architectural consultants. The home has been adapted, conserved and largely refurbished from a derelict state and is now restored to its former glory.

Its conservation incorporated new services and earthquake strengthening using contemporary techniques into a traditional timber and daub building structure. The restoration of the building back into its original hotel use but now incorporating current luxury services and facilities needed sensitivity skills in age and character, as well as contemporary technologies.

A full heritage study and database was developed to assist in the process of developing strategies for adaptive reuse.



NZIA Canterbury Award for Heritage, 2013


Simon Devitt and Stephen Goodenough